Chapter 14

Negan hadn’t gotten very far down the dark road for home when a set of headlights caught his attention in his rear view mirror. The way the lights sat up high and the way the vehicle kept up with his pace he knew that it was Cash’s truck and that he hadn’t been bull shitting, he was following him home. That was all very endearing but he didn’t have time to stop in his driveway to thank him for his thoughtful gesture. He needed to get down to his basement in a big ass hurry without any hesitation. Now was not the time for an explanation. He had enough on his mind about the entire situation as it was. How could this entire day that he had spent with Cash gone the way that he had provoked it to go? He should have let Cash go from the beginning but it was those big damn doe eyes of his that had him uncorking that bottle of wine. The plan was just to admire and long for him and his sex from a distance. He just wanted to be friends. But no. He had went after him and worse off yet, he n...